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Financial Support

Fee Waivers 2024-25

In order to strengthen the presence of international students and foster the creation of an ever more global community, the University of Pavia is awarding 50 tuition fee waivers on a “First come first served” basis to students enrolling in one of our non-restricted access Degree Programs at the University of Pavia for academic year 2024/25.

Call for Tuition Fee Waiver 24-25

Apply on apply.unipv.eu

Call for Extraordinary Financial Aid for International Students coming from Countries in emergency situations 2023/2024

The University of Pavia is pleased to announce a Call for Extraordinary Financial Aid for the academic year 2023-24. This initiative aims to provide support to international students who find themselves in exceptional distress due to serious emergency events in their home countries.

Applications will be assessed in chronological order of submission and until the available funds are exhausted.

09/02/2024: We inform you that we are unable to accept additional applications due to insufficient funds. Our team is currently in the process of reviewing the submissions, and we plan to announce the results by the end of February. Thank you for your understanding.


 Call for Extraordinary Financial Aid (IT)

Fee Waivers 2024-25 - Foundation Year students

In order to encourage Foundation Year students of the University of Pavia to enroll at our university,
29 tuition fee waivers will be awarded on a “First come first served” basis to students enrolling in
non-restricted access Bachelor’s and Single-cycle Master’s degree programs for academic year

Fee Waivers call FY 24-25

EDiSU Scholarships 2023-24

EDiSU Pavia (Ente per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario) is an Agency for the Right to Higher Education, which was established by the University of Pavia and is under its direct control.

Each year EDiSU publishes a Call for Accommodation and a Call for Scholarship.

Edisu scholarship benefits include:

  • Accommodation in a Residence (“Collegio”);
  • One meal per day at the Canteens;
  • A sum of money, according to the student’s economic situation.

Edisu scholarship for off-site students can consist of:

Option 1) Accommodation in a Collegio + One meal per day at the Canteens + Up to 3.967,00 euros;

Option 2) One meal per day at the Canteens + Up to € 6.370,00 euros.


Students have to submit the application on Edisu Online Students Services by selecting all the benefits they are interested in.


In order to apply, students have to meet some merit-based and income-based requirements.

The application must be submitted within August 11th, 2023. Students have to select all the 3 benefits.

For beneficiaries the timing is as follows:

  • Assignment of a room: around the end of September/October 2023;
  • One free meal per day: from January 2024;
  • Payment of the sum of money: when the required number of credits is earned.


In order to apply, students have to meet some merit-based and income-based requirements.

The application must be submitted within September 15th, 2023. Students have to select all the 2 benefits.

For beneficiaries the timing is as follows:

  • One free meal per day: from January 2024;
  • Payment of the sum of money: when the required number of credits is earned.


Students who do not meet the income-based requirements can apply only for Accommodation within August 11th, 2023.

Students have to select only this benefit; the beneficiaries will be assigned a room around the end of September/October 2023.


Deadlines, Application procedure and F.A.Q.


If you have any doubts, please contact Edisu directly through Edisu’s Direct Line


Subject-specific Scholarships 2023-24

MSc program in Civil Engineering for Mitigation of Risk from Natural Hazards

Scholarship for a.y. 2023/2024 is published at civrisk.unipv.it/scholarships

Invest your talent in Italy Scholarships 2024-25

The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ programInvest your Talent in Italy in memory of Giulia Cecchettin’ offers scholarships to international students from: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Mexico, People’s Republic of China, Republic of Korea, Tunisia, Turkey and Vietnam.

The scholarship provides a full fee exemption and a monthly grant up to 1000 euros/month. This scholarship is compatible with 3 courses at the University of Pavia: International Business and Entrepreneurship (Master’s degree), Economics, Development and Innovations (Master’s degree) and Cooperation and Development (Vocational program). The program also includes a 3-4 month internship in an Italian company and an Italian language course.

Applications are being accepted from 30 JANUARY 2024 until 1 MARCH 2024.

Check the call here

Click to apply for the scholarship

Study in Italy Scholarships 2024-25

The Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) offers grants in favor of foreign citizens not residing in Italy and Italian citizens living abroad to pursue study, training or research programs at Italian Higher Education Institutes.

The a.y. 2024/2025 offer has been announced. Please get more here.

Applications are being accepted until 14th June 2024.

Educations.com Scholarships 2025-26

Educations.com is offering a scholarship of up to €5000 to help cover tuition fees. It is open to students from any country who will be studying a Master’s degree at a European University. The scholarship will be awarded for the Fall 2025 semester onwards, with applications closing on 15th May 2025.

The ideal candidate for this scholarship is a globally-minded, high-achieving, motivated and inspired student. See more information and how to apply on the website.

Part-time Jobs

The University of Pavia offers students various part-time job opportunities, in order to help finance their studies whilst also helping UNIPV’s students and staff.
Find out more here.

Financial support for mobility experiences

During their academic career, students can benefit of the opportunity to spend a study or traineeship period (from 2 to 12 months) abroad worldwide. Unipv supports these periods abroad with a monthly scholarship. The amount of the scholarship is different for every mobility program.

Learn more

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